Over the past couple of weeks since finishing up my ministry in BB and turning my attention to church, it is almost like learning to walk all over again. Going into a completely new environment is always disconcerting and coming back after a gap of almost 6 years (or was it 7?) means that many things have changed, though some fundamental things have not.
I guess what troubles me most now, as it was 6 years ago, is the quite apparent lack of revelation of God and His Gospel in the church. The lack of reverence and desire for holiness pains me now more than ever. We embrace every new and "exciting" doctrine or method in the hope that it would attract the youth of today. My dear friend, what the church needs today are not new methodologies or fads, but the return to solid preaching of the Gospel and faithful exposition of Scripture. To realize it is not about boosting a person's self-esteem or promising him his best life now, but that is has all to do about eternity and the Glory of God.
We often treat God's word so flippantly and lightly. "God says this", "God says that," or "The Lord is telling me now to tell you this etc...." Now do not get me wrong. The Bible does instruct us not to quench the Spirit nor despise prophecy (1 Thess 5: 19-20), but it also does tell us immediately after that to test all things and hold fast to what is good (1 Thess 5:21). Do you not understand the seriousness of saying something is from God? It is not something to be uttered casually or without much serious discernment and prayer. Can you imagine the shame of standing before God on that Great Day and Him, who is above all things, tell you, "Why did you say things in my Name that I never said."
Oh the need for sober-mindedness. Oh the need for the Holy Spirit to convict men once again of their sin and utter depravity before God and to lead them to throw themselves upon Christ and the Cross. Oh the need for God's Grace to be upon us, to be able to rightly discern falsehood from that which is true.
I am sure that some who read these words of mine might think me arrogant and/or proud. However, let me just say that I too am guilty of doing so many of things I have stated above. May the Lord have mercy upon me and give me the grace and faith to conform more and more to the likeness of His Son.
No Servant Can Serve Two Masters
by Mike Ratliff 13 No servant can serve two masters; for either he will
hate the one and love the other, or else he will be devoted to one and
despise the ...
1 day ago
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