Today we bid farewell to Yu Kang Fei, Officer, classmate, friend. God's ways are mysterious to us and our timing is not God's timing. I may never know why he was taken to heaven so young, and with so much more to give to the people of the world, but what I do know is that now he is truly happy.
At the funeral today, as I stood tearing, first at the window of his house and later at the back of the hall, I could not help but look at his father. Words cannot describe the emotion I was feeling, but one cannot help but weep for his parents. To see the death of your child is one of the worst things that can happen to a person. And as his father sat at the front row, wiping the tears from his eyes, my heart went out to them. Oh for the day when there will be no more tears for everyone. No more funerals, no more sadness. As Kang Fei's brother stood speaking of his memories of Fei, I could only imagine that in another dimension, he could have been speaking at Fei's wedding.
And as his body left the house for one last time, a little voice within me said, "He's not leaving home, he's coming home."
Amen, and Hallelujah.

In memory of Yu Kang Fei, 1983 - 2005
Your brother in Christ,
in this life and the next
Nicholas Chen
Class of 2SA3 2002
1 comment:
that picture... sigh...
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