Friday, August 21, 2009

The "Good News" Which Isn't

Read it and weep.

“God knows where the money is, and he knows how to get the money to you,” preached Mrs. Copeland, dressed in a crisp pants ensemble like those worn by C.E.O.’s.

The preachers barely acknowledged the recession, though they did say it was no excuse to curtail giving. “Fear will make you stingy,” Mr. Copeland said.

But mostly the preachers were working mightily to remind the crowd that they are God’s elect. “While everybody else is having a famine,” said Mr. Savelle, a Texas televangelist, “his covenant people will be having the best of times.”

“Any time a worried thought about money pops up in your mind,” Mr. Savelle continued, “the next thing you do is sow”: drop money, like seeds, in “good ground” like the preachers’ ministries. “Stop worrying, start sowing,” he added, his voice rising. “That’s God’s stimulus package for you.”

At that, hundreds streamed down the aisles to the stage, laying envelopes, cash and coins on the carpeted steps.

Prosperity Gospel
(Taken from The New York Times)

Utterly disgusting, that's the only way I can describe it. And to think that such crap is being taught in Singapore as well. Think of all those churches, with their large membership rolls and fancy "worship" setups, being built upon the greed of men and the bones of unconverted church members. What a blasphemy, what an outrage! To so demean the infinitely valuable work of Christ in reconciling a Sinful Man to a Holy and Just God. To cast aside the infinite glories to come for trinkets, things made of gold and steel that will rust and be destroyed.

In the end, the biggest problem with prosperity theology is not that it promises too much, but that it promises far too little. The Gospel of Jesus Christ offers salvation from sin, not a platform for earthly prosperity. While we should seek to understand what drives so many into this movement, we must never for a moment fail to see its message for what it is -- a false and failed gospel.

- Al Mohler

Is it not true, that Christianity in Singapore today is derided and scorned for such foolish doctrine. Read the internet forums and the newsprints. Christianity is being made to look like a circus, with all its health, wealth, prosperity and feel good messages.

For, as it is written, "The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you."

- Romans 2:24

How long more will the Lord withhold His Wrath from us. Calling it a "gospel" is a terrible misnomer, for make no mistake, such a "gospel" does not save but rather damns a soul. How long will your church remain silent oh Lord. How long will we remain blinded to the dangers of such abominable teaching. Lord grant us eye salve that we might see our foolishness and repent.

Be Merciful to us.

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