Phew.... finally managed to get some time to write in this blog.
It's been a hectic few days and I'm sure most people are happily counting their collections for this year.
Personally, it's been a more mundane New Year than before...
Each year that passes seems less and less fun. Maybe I'm losing some of that youthful exuberance ;P
I've just been told I need to get a silver to be considered a pass in IPPT.
Damn man, I have enough trouble getting a pass as it is and now they want me to get a silver?!?!
Got another test coming up this wednesday, better not drink beer the night before.
I miss the innocence I had during my school days when I had no worries other than exams.
I miss the friends that have moved on to other things in life.
Sometimes I wish I could get out of NS immediately and carry on with my life.
In all things, I trust in God and that His grace and mercy will see me through.
We must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God
C. H. Spurgeon from his Morning by Morning devotional for March 8th “We
must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.”—Acts 14:22.
GOD’S peo...
21 hours ago