Parades are finally over and I can now (hopefully) concentrate on my studies which has taken a beating over the last couple of weeks. The Admin has settled down somewhat though there are still a few loose ends to settle and the Wing System as not really gotten into gear yet.
However as I was talking to Charles late into the night, plans for the next 8 months are already being formulated. Even when parades have officially ended for the exams, the planning (and worrying) for the future has already begun.
Company Potluck, SGB and Primers Programme were just a few of the things being bandied about during that 3 hour plus discussion. The direction of the Year 3 Admin was also another topic being keenly "debated", but ultimately the one topic that stood out was the discussion about the 12th Company "culture".
When should a Boy be punished? How should he be punished? What are the things we want a Boy to learn about leadership, responsibility or God? What is the best way to teach it? What is the Company's purpose and vision?
The questions being asked frankly left more questions than answers in the end. Some of them were beyond our "level" of authority, but ultimately I came to struggle at the "how" question.
How easy it is to answer the "Why" and "What" questions. Why teach the Boys? So that God may be glorified. What do we teach them? Principle and values like 'No Boy enters BB by chance', 'discipline not regimentation' or 'Christian Leadership is key.'
The question that I found hard to answer or come out with a solution ended up being the "how". Ironic considering that most of the time people do not see the big picture "why" and "what", but are more concerned or adept at the "how". However in this case, it was the "how" that baffled us.
How to teach discipline without punishment? How to ensure that Boys are taught about responsibility and the importance of punctuality without a certain amount of "regimentation"? Is there another way that Boys can be taught about obedience and self-discipline? Is giving push-ups bad or is it the process that one goes through before meting out punishment that determines whether the punishment is acceptable or not? How can the culture of 12th Company be changed such that for future generations, "pumping" will not be the first and last resort Officers will use to establish order or worse, take out their frustration on Boys?
Well we did not really come to any conclusion on the matter. So much to consider, so much to do.
No Servant Can Serve Two Masters
by Mike Ratliff 13 No servant can serve two masters; for either he will
hate the one and love the other, or else he will be devoted to one and
despise the ...
1 day ago