Finally time to dust the cobwebs off this blog. ;P
Much has happened over the past few months ans now I desire to find an avenue to pour out my feelings and thoughts. Who knows, maybe in a year's time I'll read this post and laugh at the times.
I've always wondered what the future would be like. More specifically, I've always wondered whether I could ever get into a relationship with a girl. The fear of commitment and rejection haunts me constantly. Do I fool myself that I will never ever have a girlfriend? Some people may think I'm being imature thinking about this, but this is a problem that is gripping my heart.
It's painful to like someone but know that that person will never like you. To see, but never touch. I can only hope everything happens in God's good time.
Today was my birthday and I thank God for all that he has blessed me so far. The friends I've made in NS, the moments of pain and joy. If only these friendships could last forever.
Destructive Doctrines
by Mike Ratliff 1 But false prophets also arose among the people, just as
there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce
10 hours ago
ok...this is abit late...but HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!hope you had a great birthday celebration...
was wondering if you'll ever blog again.haha.take care man...
wowowow...i was just trying my luck n YUPZ,YOU blogged.finally.
hope u had a gd birthday.20.rather depressing.n i'm movin on 21 in less than 2wks' time.bah.
don't think so much,i really believe everything's in God's Time.though i admit,He's taking bloody long!!!!
merry christmas,belated.
happy new year.
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