It's been a long time and much has happened since I last wrote here.
Everything happens with a purpose. It's up to us as human beings to find out why.
Some try to reason with logic while others turn to the supernatural or idols for answers.
God's voice may be small, and His logic beyond human comprehension.
One thing now that makes me wonder is what is God's purpose for the 12th(I) BB Company.
It's not an easy time for us now and sometimes I wonder, has God abandoned us because we have abandoned Him?
What we need now are Officers burning with a passion for God to work again in the company.
Not Officers who cling to the past and long for past glories, but Officers willing to give their time, their very lives to see boys grow up as men eager to learn and follow Christ.
Sadly, I have failed in this.
Now, we need to change and we need to start from the top, the Officers currently serving in 12th and those about to enter this group. (i.e. the J2s and J3s)
Being an Officer is not just about commanding boys or having the prestige of a higher position.
It is about committing time and effort to nurture the boys to be men of faith and prayer.
We cannot allow the situation to countinue, where BB is just a CCA or once-a-week thing.
Being in the BB is about being in a relationship with others, in a bond of brotherhood, and in a relationship with God.
Let us humble ourselves, seek God's face, turn from our old ways and pray that God will give us His grace and mercy.
No Servant Can Serve Two Masters
by Mike Ratliff 13 No servant can serve two masters; for either he will
hate the one and love the other, or else he will be devoted to one and
despise the ...
1 day ago